My Closet Purge

I am totally embarrassed about what your about to see below, the before of my walk-in closet, but it is real life and sometimes things keep getting pushed to the end of the list. When we moved in my goal was just to unpack, not to organize and take the time to see what works, I had no time for that. With that being said I never really paid attention to what I was unpacking and putting away in the closet. Our closet also became the storage area for the many extra blankets we had and for things that didn’t have a home.


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What a mess right? It was getting on my nerves, every time I walked in I just wanted to run out. This also made me wear a lot of the same things. It took me a while to get this done. Two and a half days, as I took all my stuff out, blankets, the items that didn’t have a home my closet was holding. I also, waited to the end of all this for my husband to go thru his belongs as only he can decide what he really wanted or not. He too got rid of a bag full.


I took a trip to Canadian Tire and found some storage solutions.

canadian tire



Canadian Tire always has lots of storage containers in stock at all times. I decided on a Friday evening after work to just go and get all the things and items I needed to start this project. I found the under the bed storage bins with lids, in the small size & in the large size.



I knew that I no longer wanted to store my off season items and clothes in the large bin that was in my closet. I transferred everything from the seasonal bin into these and are now stored under my bed. Easy access to them in the event we go away and require clothing or items from it.


Next, I need some more drawer space for items that were in bins. So, I came up with these. Canadian Tire at that time I went was having a sale on the storage containers and drawers and they did not have the ones I wanted in stock. I could of ordered them online, but I did not have the time to wait so I went to Walmart and found these 3-drawer storage solution.




For my final purchase I went to Dollarama. Even tho I had bins already in my closet I wanted a cleaner look, getting matching ones and same size would do the job. Now for thees type of bins I always tend to go to Dollarama, no where else can beat the price.


These are pretty large as I wanted them to hold my sweaters and I wanted one for “other”. They hold up great and only cost $4.00 each.

It felt like a lifetime passed while I was going thru everything and I really be had to be strong about what I was not using/wearing. I even had some post-baby clothes, which come on my youngest is 6 years old why was I holding on to those?!? Oh ya because of the clutter I didn’t even know what I had, that’s why.














I got rid of a lot and had at least 4 bags for donations.




Here’s the end result.

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It’s not perfect, but I do one day want a custom closet so I kept to a budget to insure until then I can have a cleaner, more organized space that I can keep contained. It felt amazing to get rid of so much, I can actually wear things that I wanted to before but couldn’t pull myself to look for it. I also know that I really wasn’t wearing all that clothes and a lot of it I never looked at either it was too big or not my style anymore. It took a lot of time to complete this project, but the outcome is amazing and so worth the time I put into it. Now it is organized and easy to keep under control. I will continue to purge as I see fit. When we change seasons again and I will need to switch some clothing out, I will take another look and things I didn’t wear or use will go into a donation bag.



This is not a sponsored post, all items were bought myself. All links shared are not affiliated.

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